Monday, February 9, 2009

Friends Wedding

So, a friend of mine got married Saturday. I am glad it's over! It was a nice wedding though. Amazing how many people were there considering how short the engagement was.

But I was able to help and that is what is important! So glad I could be there for my friend. My other friend, said that I do a good job with that. I had stuff the people needed that was forgotten. And have focused on the bride. Hey, I guess that is just me!

I really am not sure why I know what you need to have in case of emergencies for the but I do. The other friend thinks I should start doing that as a business, but that is a little weird. But I would totally do it for any of my friends!

A wedding is something is their special day and NOTHING should mess that up!

Friday, February 6, 2009



I am so glad this week is over. It hasn't been a bad week. I just like the weekends!

No, sitting on my duff for 8 hours!!! No listening to whiny people who think they are so much better than everyone else in the world! No more talk about how someones pregnancy is so strange and different than everyone elses. I get a 2 day vacation from all that! Don't take me wrong most of them I like working with but BOY! Does that get old!

So, I am very ready for my 2 day vacation. It's time for it.

Thursday, February 5, 2009


Yesterday afternoon, my youngest nephew called and wanted a ride to youth group and my sister needed me to pick her up about an hour after that. (They only have one car right now.)

I was no more than off and I forgot. So, a little before 8 my sister called to ask were I was and I felt so bad. My nephew didn't get to go to church and my sister had to wait for me to show up.

Why is it that we are so quick to help, but we forget to follow through? I try not to do that because it is the same as lying, but I just forget. I wish there was a way for me to be better at this stuff.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

First one

Ok, so here it first blog.

I guess, I don't really know what to say but I've been thinking about it for a here it goes!

I work a desk job. Not exciting, but it is a living.

My life really isn't exciting...but I enjoy it and love my friends and family.

My 34th birthday was Monday, but I sure don't know how I got to that age. Time sure goes fast, yet there are so many things I want to do. How do you fit them into your life and yet not be broke all the time?

There are so many questions...but not much time.

Ok, gotta go